If your are unfamiliar with intimidating legal threats directed at Rhys and the impressively level headed and rational way in which he has dealt with them, please check out the following blogs:
- Threats from The Burzynski Clinic
- The Burzynski Clinic Threatens 17 Year Old Blogger
- Burzynski Clinic: the domain of scoundrels and quacks
- Could the Burzynski clinic fall foul of UK law?
- Belligerent Burzynski rep gets on the wrong side of Rhys Morgan
- Stanislaw, Streisand and Spartacus
- Dr Burzynski's crooked antineoplastons
- Representative from Burzynski Clinic sends aggressive legal threats to skeptics who question "antineoplaston" cancer therapy
Previous Skeptic Park Episodes:
Skeptic Park 4: Featuring Rhys Morgan #Burzynski
Reviewed by Doctor Smile
November 29, 2011
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