Fighters for Internet freedom

Wikipedia's homepage on the day it blacked itself in protest
As part of it's Battle for the Internet series The Guardian has published a list (with short bios) of the top 20 "fighters for Internet freedom." The list includes obvious people like Tim Berners-Lee, the inventor of the Web, and Linus Torvalds, the creator of Linux, plus more controversial figures like Julian Assange, ex-hacker and editor of WikiLeaks, and the hacktivist collective Anonymous. My Favourite person included on their list is Lady Ada Lovelace, who died in 1852, over a century before the Internet was even invented. Check the Guardian's list out and suggest anyone you think they've overlooked. 

from The Universal Machine

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Fighters for Internet freedom Fighters for Internet freedom Reviewed by Doctor Smile on April 22, 2012 Rating: 5

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