Alan #Turing and the Artificial Brain (video)

A video recording of the my lecture Alan Turing and the Artificial Brain - The Development of Artificial Intelligence can now be watched online. It required some processing to improve the sound quality. My lecture was the last in the University of Auckland's Department of Computer Science 2012 Gibbons Memorial Lecture Series. As part of the Alan Turing Year all of this years lectures were about different aspects of Turing's work: Turing machines and the halting problem, Turing's WWII code-breaking work, his practical achievements in early computing and of course machine intelligence. Details of the entire Gibbon's lecture series are here.
    What is remarkable is that we could have continued this lecture series and had another on Turing's application of mathematics to biology, or a lecture on his pioneering computer chess publication and subsequent program. It seems his achievements were almost endless.

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Alan #Turing and the Artificial Brain (video) Alan #Turing and the Artificial Brain (video) Reviewed by Doctor Smile on May 25, 2012 Rating: 5

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