Julian #Assange loses extradition appeal

Assange on the cover of Time
The Guardian reports that UK Supreme Court judges have ruled 5 to 2 that Julian Assange should be extradited from the UK to Sweden to face sexual assault charges. However, since the judges were not unanimous and because the judgement depends on an interpretation of an arcane point of law with regard to Britain's international treaty responsibilities they have given Assange two weeks to lodge an appeal. It seems that this saga is not over yet.
    Assange is of course most famous for his website WikiLeaks, but you may not know that he used to be a hacker going by the pseudonym Mendax. Assange contributed to an excellent book titled, Underground: Tales of Hacking, Madness and Obsession on the Electronic Frontier, which provides an excellent insight into the secretive world of hacking. You can buy the book on Amazon, but in true hacker spirit it's freely available to download online.

from The Universal Machine http://universal-machine.blogspot.com/

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Julian #Assange loses extradition appeal Julian #Assange loses extradition appeal Reviewed by Doctor Smile on May 30, 2012 Rating: 5

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