Richard, Anest, Harri (4) and Anwen (3) here - you can call us RAHA! We live in France, but are on a camping holiday in Brigerbad, Switzerland at the moment - how many seconds VEG? (12 seconds!- Veg)
In France, little ones start school in the year they turn 3 so neither of my monsters are pre-schoolers anymore, but since we are in France and as there is no canteen at the school, I still get to feed them three times a day as they come home every lunchtime. There is a lunchtime option at school by an external provider, but it's expensive at 6.50€ (£5) per day even if it is starter, main, cheese, bread and dessert. Only about 20% of the school children eat there.
Anyway, this week is not about school meals...back to them next week. As I said, we're camping at the moment and here is what we had for breakfast:
I tried to keep it as Swiss as possible to my knowledge (any Swiss readers out there please feel free to comment). There was some Gruyère Cheese, a slice of Swiss Ham, 2 slices of bread (one with strawberry jam) and 2 Reine Claude Plums. In the beaker is some chocolate milk. Seconds of cheese, ham and plums were had. There was Birchermuesli (muesli mixed with yogurt) on offer too, but that was rejected. We don't normally eat a savoury breakfast and I'm not sure why as I much prefer it! It was meant to be A's plate of food, but she ate most of hers before I could take a photo and she was not interested in rating it as she just wanted to get down and play...so here is how H rated it:
Food-o-meter: Great!
Mouthfuls: we forgot to count, but if H is enjoying food it disappears in big mouthfuls so probably not that many!
Courses: Breakfast
Health Rating: H said it was not healthy because of the jam...I asked him what "healthy" meant and he said "yucky"...hmm work needed there...(I would give it 8/10)
Price: about 4 CHF (£2.60)
Pieces of hair: 0
Pieces of grass: 1
Hope you enjoyed reading...we're off to see the Aletsch Glacier this morning, hope the breakfast sees us through until lunch...then again, we are on holiday, so we may find a nice boulangerie along the way!
Thanks to VEG for your inspiration and to VEG's Dad for your hard work in bringing this to us all and of course to everyone for the superb amount of money raised for Mary's Meals so far - its amazing how so little money can go so far - keep it coming!
Richard, Anest, Harri (4) and Anwen (3) here - you can call us RAHA! We live in France, but are on a camping holiday in Brigerbad, Switzerland at the moment - how many seconds VEG? (12 seconds!- Veg)
In France, little ones start school in the year they turn 3 so neither of my monsters are pre-schoolers anymore, but since we are in France and as there is no canteen at the school, I still get to feed them three times a day as they come home every lunchtime. There is a lunchtime option at school by an external provider, but it's expensive at 6.50€ (£5) per day even if it is starter, main, cheese, bread and dessert. Only about 20% of the school children eat there.
Anyway, this week is not about school meals...back to them next week. As I said, we're camping at the moment and here is what we had for breakfast:
I tried to keep it as Swiss as possible to my knowledge (any Swiss readers out there please feel free to comment). There was some Gruyère Cheese, a slice of Swiss Ham, 2 slices of bread (one with strawberry jam) and 2 Reine Claude Plums. In the beaker is some chocolate milk. Seconds of cheese, ham and plums were had. There was Birchermuesli (muesli mixed with yogurt) on offer too, but that was rejected. We don't normally eat a savoury breakfast and I'm not sure why as I much prefer it! It was meant to be A's plate of food, but she ate most of hers before I could take a photo and she was not interested in rating it as she just wanted to get down and play...so here is how H rated it:
Food-o-meter: Great!
Mouthfuls: we forgot to count, but if H is enjoying food it disappears in big mouthfuls so probably not that many!
Courses: Breakfast
Health Rating: H said it was not healthy because of the jam...I asked him what "healthy" meant and he said "yucky"...hmm work needed there...(I would give it 8/10)
Price: about 4 CHF (£2.60)
Pieces of hair: 0
Pieces of grass: 1
Hope you enjoyed reading...we're off to see the Aletsch Glacier this morning, hope the breakfast sees us through until lunch...then again, we are on holiday, so we may find a nice boulangerie along the way!
Thanks to VEG for your inspiration and to VEG's Dad for your hard work in bringing this to us all and of course to everyone for the superb amount of money raised for Mary's Meals so far - its amazing how so little money can go so far - keep it coming!
Breakfast - Brigerbad, Switzerland
Reviewed by Doctor Smile
July 24, 2012
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