Coming up!

VEG's Dad here

I want to take the opportunity to share with you the exciting coming weeks on the blog as children guest bloggers take over.

23rd July-

30th July- Australian Primary School – No lunches provided in Australia so how do you make packed lunches appealing, interesting and healthy in a hot country?

6th August- Brazil – Big difference between public and private school dinner provision. Bloggers two primary aged boys.

13th August- Girl Scout Camp, USA. A week of open air cooking and camping from California, USA. Expect songs!

20th August- Finland- Primary school in Mikkeli. School meals provided free of charge in Finland.

27th August- South Korean Primary School (to be confirmed)

3rd September- Canada- Canadian First Nation Peoples. Traditional food from an amazing culture. (to be confirmed)

10th September- Japan- Primary School in Tokyo sharing their culture of school lunches.

17th September- United Nations International School, New York. Children from around the world bringing in food from their home countries.

24th Sept- Switzerland- School in Geneva. Pupils supported by a Geography teacher in preparation for….

1st Oct-12th Oct- VEG and family visiting Malawi to visit and meet the children receiving the ‘Friends of NeverSeconds’ kitchen. Guest bloggers invited back to ask questions for VEG to find out to help understand Malawi and the work of Mary’s Meals.

15th Oct- A different school each day from the projects Mary’s Meals supports from around the world.

Our guests will write in their own language first and English second. We'll also be bringing sound clips so we can hear our guests in their own voices!

It's going to some journey.

VEG's Dad
Coming up! Coming up! Reviewed by Doctor Smile on July 18, 2012 Rating: 5

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