Dinner- Israel


My name is Nicole and I live with my 4-year old daughter Tal, in Israel. During the week, Tal is in full-time daycare and eats breakfast and a cooked lunch there. But Fridays and Saturdays she has a light lunch at home and then a cooked dinner.

Dinner today consisted of tuna salad (Tal’s request), rice crackers, pitted olives, cherry tomatoes, and freshly squeezed orange juice. In addition to what is in the photo, she asked for an extra rice cracker after she finished the first one, and another half glass of juice. After she finished, she ate a plain unsweetened yoghurt. The only vegetables Tal likes are cherry tomatoes, but she doesn’t seem to notice that I sneak cut-up red capsicum and cucumbers into the tuna salad – and she really likes that.

Food-O-Meter: 10/10 (Tal said “It’s yummy, this is my favorite dinner”)
Mouthfuls: about 60
Course: Dinner
Health Rating: 8/10 (I would like her to have more vegetables, and there is a bit of mayonnaise in the tuna salad, but otherwise I think it is OK)
Price: Approximately 12 shekels for her portion (£1.94)
Time spent eating: 50 minutes (and that was only because I hurried her up because we had to go out)
Pieces of hair: 0
Leftovers: None
Songs sung while eating: 3 (2 in English and 1 in Hebrew – Tal speaks two languages)
Dinner- Israel Dinner- Israel Reviewed by Doctor Smile on July 27, 2012 Rating: 5

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