Back at school.

Pjila'si from Jagej,

Sorry to be late today. First day of school. Bus was late coming home
by almost 30 minutes. A new bigger school and now all the other kids are bigger than me. But they were nice. The cafeteria is a new part of school to me as well. My old elementary school had no cafeteria. We have food choices that every day include wraps, sandwiches, pitas and salads. And pizza! There are fruit and veggie trays with dips. Desserts include a choice of buns, muffins, cookies, bits and bites, biscuits, Doritos and fruit snacks. I knew there might be pizza because someone from another year told me. I told uncle and he said I should try some of the healthier things
first. So I decide to have a wrap and salad with apple juice. I was full so I
had no dessert today. The picture is a bit fuzzy because I used my cell phone camera and my cell phone is quite old.

Here is my lunch.

Food-o-meter - 8/10 Liked everything for a first school lunch of the
year. I wanted pizza so loses 2. Another time I guess.
Health rating - 7/10 Bacon and fat in the wrap sauce and sugar in the
apple juice.
Bites - 47. I don't take big bites.
Courses - Main.
Price - Salad $2.25, wrap $2.60 and juice $0.75. Total - $5.60
Pieces of hair - 0.

I hope the school year goes well. The first day I was a bit nervous
but everyone seems to be good so now I feel better about it.
Don't know yet what I will pick for tomorrow. Maybe pizza.

Hope you liked my choices today.

Back at school. Back at school. Reviewed by Doctor Smile on September 06, 2012 Rating: 5

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