Didn't taste like real chicken.

My name is Ian and I’m from San Diego, California. Usually my dad makes my lunch, but this week we did something different. Today I ate school lunch. There was no lunch line because I was late for lunch because I stayed at my table too long so I didn’t have to wait in line.

Food-o-meter- 3/10
Mouthfuls- 36
Courses- Chicken nuggets, salad bar, didn’t take milk
Health Rating- 3/10
Price- $2.00 US?
Pieces of hair- 0

I ate some ketchup, chicken nuggets, canned pears and 3 orange slices. The chicken nuggets were cold and the only choice to eat left. If you would say, “Is this food weird?” I would say yes. They didn’t even taste like real chicken! The orange slices were fresh like just pulled off a tree. The pears had added sugar. They tasted really, really good but would rather had fresh slices. I ate it all.

Didn't taste like real chicken. Didn't taste like real chicken. Reviewed by Doctor Smile on November 14, 2012 Rating: 5

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