Anything Goes!

The pattern for the quilt top above is called "Anything Goes".  I put this little number together months ago and all it needed to complete it was borders attached.  When I got to this point, I didn't know what to use for borders so I put it away for "later" I tend to do so often.

I made a lap quilt so I could try the pattern out and make sure I liked it before committing to making a bed size version.  I like was fun...easy...and fairly quick to put together...but who knows when I will decide to do it again.  I get bored easy! :)

This was truly a SCRAPPY quilt.  There's actually a fabric in it that is about 15 years old...along side a fabric just purchased last summer.

Since this is my year to focus on being thrifty, I am attempting to finish all of my UFO's.  So...I pulled this back out and looked through the stash again...intent on finding SOMETHING to use as my borders.

IT IS FINISHED...all 48" x 64" of it!  Again...there is no rhyme or reason as to the fabric choices...but then again...that's why I love quilting so much!  Quilting truly reflects least it reflects my chaos!!!  When I think of each individual family member, we can't hide the fact that we are all whackadoos!  How in the world did so many unique (that's putting it mildly) and colorful personalities resulted from one gene pool (along with a few adoption agencies along the way).  Yet, when you throw us all together, we make up one pretty solid family unit.  We have each other's backs...and always will.  We may not be able to stand each other for extended lengths of time...but we love each other fiercely and have learned to play nice together...just like the scraps and vast array of colors in a quilt top.

Okay...that's enough serious observations for one day!  Time to get back to some more fun...

Quilt on my friends until next time!

Anything Goes! Anything Goes! Reviewed by Doctor Smile on March 22, 2013 Rating: 5

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