Pink & Purple Embroidery Baby Quilt Top

A couple blog posts ago, I shared one photo with you of 6 embroidery blocks I was turning into a baby quilt.  That's as far as I got...laying the 6 blocks together until  now. :)

I sewed them together and of course, it was way too small and needed borders.  I searched through my stash, and in one of my box of 2 1/2" strips, I located 4 matching pink strips (no more and no less...4 exactly!)

Still too small!  Cute...but small!

My mind starts whirling ideas around.  I had a few of the small 4-patch blocks and 2-patch blocks left over that were used in the construction of the top itself.

I started playing around....

I actually had 2 more of the little 4-patch blocks left but couldn't figure out a way to make them fit.  Time to search through my stash again.  The blocks are 3" wide so I can't use any of the strips I've pre-cut that are only 2 1/2" wide.

I looked through my collection of Fat Quarters.  I found a fabric that I thought would work and thankfully I had 2 FQ's just in case it took more than one.

What do you think?

Now...I'm quite pleased with the way it looks at this point...but I'm not thrilled with the finished size.  It measures 30" x 40".  That size is plenty big enough for a wall-hanging or a stroller quilt, etc. but not quite big enough to call a crib size.

What is your opinion?  Should I leave it "as is" and finish it?  Or should I possibly look for a third fabric (maybe in a coordinating, mottled lavender blender) and add one final border?  If I add another border, it will require a shopping trip (which I have held off from doing so far this new year...but I do have a Jo-Ann's gift card I received for Christmas I've been holding for an "emergency"!) :)

Decisions, decisions...I'm just not sure what to do!
Pink & Purple Embroidery Baby Quilt Top Pink & Purple Embroidery Baby Quilt Top Reviewed by Doctor Smile on March 11, 2013 Rating: 5

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