Birthday Blocks off to North Carolina!

I've been busy making two birthday blocks to be sent to Diane in North Carolina.  She requested a black, white and red color theme for her blocks.

This first block is called Galaxy X and was designed by Deborah Johnson (In the Doghouse Designs).

I had originally cut the pieces for the black parts using a different fabric.  When I started to piece the block together and could see the fabric underneath the bright light of my sewing machine, I realized that the black fabric was actually navy blue!  Oops....back to the cutting board! :) :) :)  Don't you just hate it when that happens! :)

The second block is called Windblown Star....

As far as I can tell, this is just a traditional block that no one can claim ownership of the design.  Its simple to construct but I think it is an interesting design.  I'm very pleased with both blocks!

I snapped a picture of them together before packaging them up to mail... (sure wish I had thought to do this with all the birthday blocks I've made so far!)

I need to go check my birthday list because I think May will be a busy month also with either two or three more birthdays!  Thankfully, there are a few months that I get a rest (I think!).

Keep sewing!
Birthday Blocks off to North Carolina! Birthday Blocks off to North Carolina! Reviewed by Doctor Smile on April 16, 2013 Rating: 5

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