Magazines to go Digital Only....

I wasn't surprised to read that Northridge Publishing is going to shift their magazines to all digital starting with their August 2013 issues.  They are the folks who put out Cards, Scrapbook Trends, Cricut Magazine, Cricut Magazine Idea Books, Create: Idea Books, Signature Series, and Creative Retailer. 

They also publish Bead Trends and Simply Handmade, which sadly are going away.  I really liked Bead Trends...while I'm not a beader per say I got lots of inspiration from that magazine by taking bits and pieces I liked and turning them into my style.

You can read the full article about this transition on Scrapbook Update.

I think with the sky rocketing price of printing and mailing you'll see more and more of this.  I suppose it's my age (45) showing but I'm not a fan of digital magazines or even books for that matter.  I'm a tactile person, I like to have a book in my hands or a magazine I can make notations on, dog ear the pages and well, you get the picture.  Also, I don't want to have to rely on an energy company for my reading enjoyment.

I don't want to have to drag around an electronic device that I have to worry about charging, leaving behind, spilling something on, dropping, being stolen, etc.  If I forget where I set down a 4.99 book or magazine it's no big deal...if I forget where I put an ipad, lap-top, phone or reader we're talking about some serious $'s.  

I had planned on tearing up my magazines...keeping the pages/articles I liked and tossing the rest but I guess I'll just keep them now.  Shoot, they might be an antique before too long....just like me - LOL!!

Oh well...can't go back now.
Magazines to go Digital Only.... Magazines to go Digital Only.... Reviewed by Doctor Smile on July 15, 2013 Rating: 5

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