Week 4 Aiming For Accuracy Quilt-Along

I'm actually a week behind on the lessons for the Aiming for Accuracy Quilt-Along due to an unexpected trip home to Tennessee so I'm playing catch-up.

Once again, this assignment was LARGE in size.  Before sewing on the 1 1/2" black sashing strips to the top and bottom, the block measured 20 1/2" x 20 1/2" square.

Here is the link to the actual instructions for Lesson 4....

Here are the first four lesson blocks together....

My design wall keeps shrinking and shrinking. :) :)  I've made jokes in the past about making the entire wall a design wall.  Maybe I need to think seriously about it instead of jokingly.  I think I really need it!

Now I need to get busy and complete THIS week's lesson 5 so that I can participate in the weekly prize give-aways.  Who knows, I just might win something one of these days....but I'm not holding my breath!

Hopefully I'll have a new post soon....until then, keep sewing!
Week 4 Aiming For Accuracy Quilt-Along Week 4 Aiming For Accuracy Quilt-Along Reviewed by Doctor Smile on July 30, 2013 Rating: 5

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