Blocks 6 - 10 from Tula Pink

Enough days have passed to have pieced together 5 more Tula Pink blocks from her newest book " Tula Pink's City Sampler 100 Modern Quilt Blocks".

I'm still only allowing myself the luxury of piecing together one block a day at most.  I've had a few "bad hip" days and have not been able to sit down at the sewing machine as much as I like.

Regardless....five more are finished....aren't they cute?

Keep in mind that these blocks are only 6 1/2" square.  Some of those pieces are only 1" finished squares.  I don't have a specific color scheme in mind....just using whatever scrap piece I have that will work.

If my hip will allow....I REALLY need to sit and sew the binding on a quilt I've finished for my eldest daughter's birthday coming up on Sept. 2.  It is so large that I've not been able to get a good photo after taking it off my longarm frame.  Maybe the next sunny day I can hang it off the back deck railing and snap a quick picture to share.

Until then....happy sewing!
Blocks 6 - 10 from Tula Pink Blocks 6 - 10 from Tula Pink Reviewed by Doctor Smile on August 14, 2013 Rating: 5

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