Steampunk Washi - 3 from 1

Today I wanted to share a fun way to really extend your washi tape (or other similar embellishments)...I'm going to make three cards from a single piece of washi covered paper!
To start off with I cut a sheet of 4x5.25" cardstock and began covering it with various washi tapes.

I trimmed off the excess and lightly sanded the edges.
(the sanding is so I can ink the edges easier later on.)

I then die-cut the paper into 3 different pieces...
I cut a large wavy piece leaving a nice frame and then cut gears from the center of the wavy piece.

Each of the elements went onto a separate Steampunk themed card....

Here is the frame....
And the wavy piece...

And finally the gears....

1 Washi Covered piece of Cardstock
Several Inky Steampunk Images
3 Fun Steampunk Cards!
How's that for some inky fun?
Steampunk Washi - 3 from 1 Steampunk Washi - 3 from 1 Reviewed by Doctor Smile on August 20, 2013 Rating: 5

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