Greeting Card Organizer + Calendar Page PDF's

Hi All!
Tomorrow is the monthly Club Scrap Blog Hop and I will be sharing a Greeting Card Organizer I made.  Today however I wanted to give you a bit of background on how I did it.
I wanted it to be pretty sturdy so I used a kraft covered 8x8 album that I got on clearance a while back.  I took it all apart.  It came with tiny 1/2" screw posts which I decided right away sooo wasn't going to work...after all this book is for the whole year so I was going to need lots of space.
I replaced the 1/2" posts with 2" posts! 

Next I cut 24 pages 9x12 - Score and fold the 12" side at the 4" mark....fold and crease to give you a page that measures 8x9 with a 4" pocket. 
To assemble the book I went with a two page lay-out.
I know most books have one page per month but it's just not enough if you've got a large family or lots of friends.   So you will need two pockets facing each other...this will become one month in your organizer.
Collate all of the rest of the pockets so you have two pockets for every month. 
As the pages are stacked now you'll have two pockets then two empty pages (without pockets).  You can either leave it like this and use the empty pages for adding photos, notes, reminders, etc. or you can glue the two empty pages together so you have a pocket page on each empty pages or you could do a mix of both which is what I have chosen to do. 
These are the empty pages ~ the back sides of the pocket pages.
And here are 2 pages (in the center) that the backs have been glued together to make one page with a pocket on each side.

I stitched up the outside of the pocket with my sewing machine but you could just glue them down or tape them together if desired.
I also made up a PDF for each month which is split into two parts ~ one for each pocket page as shown below.
Here are the links to the PDF for each month's calendar: 
They should be printed on 8.5x11" paper for the size shown in my organizer.

I'll be back tomorrow with photos of the finished book!
Hope you stop by to check it out.
Greeting Card Organizer + Calendar Page PDF's Greeting Card Organizer + Calendar Page PDF's Reviewed by Doctor Smile on September 24, 2013 Rating: 5

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