31 Days of Halloween - Day 1 - BOO!

Welcome to the 31 days of Halloween!
This is my first year participating but I'm very excited.  I love Halloween and can't wait to share all my spooky goodness with you. The blog hop roll is posted to the right...just click on a name and it will take you to each person's blog.
There will be loads of goodies given away during the entire month including a scavenger hunt each and every day...  Here are a few of the details (from Terra's blog)
"Welcome to Day 1 of 31 Days of Halloween! I'm so excited to be your blog roll host for our 5th annual event, and once again we have a doozey for you! This year we have 36 Wicked Bloggers ready to showcase their superb Halloween and Day of the Dead projects.

Hopefully you will be participating as either a Horrifying Hopper or Sinister Lurker, and we hope you enjoy the month full of powerful inspiration. You are sure to see projects that range from creepy cute, to beautiful, to gory, to downright scare your socks off, but we know we have an amazingly talented group of bloggers this year and we will enjoy every second of it! To refresh on the rules and regs of the hop and the Scavenger Hunt, please see my previous post.

This year I know I will not be able to post projects each day, however I will be posting some projects during the month. On those days you can find my projects below the scavenger hunt information. And speaking of the scavenger hunt... Check out her blog for all of the awesome prizes for the day - Smeared & Smudged.
Scavenger Hunt
To qualify for the Scavenger Hunt prize drawing, all you have to do is visit the Wicked Blogs and find our hidden scavenger image. We will be hiding one each day and giving you a clue, and anyone who finds it will be entered into a drawing for one of the prizes. Each sponsor for the day will have a different winner, so today we will have four winners!

Once you find the image, EMAIL US and tell us whose blog it is on. 
To qualify for today's drawing we must receive all guesses by 9am PST tomorrow morning. If you guess correctly you will get one entry into the daily drawing. The winner will be drawn using randon.org and we will announce the winner tomorrow.

Here's your clue for Day 1:

Be wary if I cross your path,
If not your luck will feel my wrath.
Nine lives I live; you do the math.

Do you think you have the answer? Be sure to find the image before you email us.
And now, here is my first creation!

Stamp Credits: All Just For Fun Rubber Stamps

Recycling at it's best...all of the frames were purchased at an estate sale for .50 each.  I painted them with black acrylic paint then rubbed Inka Gold on them once dry.  I made fussy cut Custom Letters and mounted them on dictionary pages that I had stamped with a variety of spooky fun rubber stamps.
A fun project that can be used for any occasion or theme!
Be sure to hop on to the next spooky artist - Shoni
Till Tomorrow Friends...
Stay Spooky!
31 Days of Halloween - Day 1 - BOO! 31 Days of Halloween - Day 1 - BOO! Reviewed by Doctor Smile on October 01, 2013 Rating: 5

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