31 Days of Halloween - Day 2 - King of Halloween + Extra Special Laura Childs Give-A-Way!!!

Welcome to Day 2
of the
Smeared & Smudged
31 Days of Halloween!
If you're just joining us this month be sure to check out Terra's blog for complete information on all of the prizes, scavenger hunts & other fun extras during this spooky month of October!
Today for a very special reason I choose to make a shadow box.  You'll find out the significance of the Shadow Box project at the bottom of this post (so be sure to read it all!!).
Who better to honor during these 31 Days than....
The King of Halloween -
Edgar Allan Poe!
Once again I set to recycle something fun...
The base for this shadow box is a grungy cigar box with no lid that I bought at a flea market...I actually bought it for the goodies that were in it...not the box it's self.  BUT being me, I couldn't bring myself to throw it away so I kept it for a "special project" - LOL!! 
(You know you can always find one!)
It's filled with all sorts of goodies...
Edgar Allan Poe Books (printed off the net); A Bottle of Poison; Poe himself of course (image by Altered Pages); a stamped Title, Spider & Skeleton worshiping his master; a bit of funky black net and a fun skeletal candle.
Stamp Credits: Skeleton, Label, Spider - Alpha Stamps; "Halloween" - Just For Fun Rubber Stamps
Other: Poe  - Altered Pages 

Here is what the shadow box looks like with the candle "lit" and the lights off!
Pretty spooky cool huh????

Well, now why did I choose to make a Shadow Box today???
Recently I was pleasantly surprised to receive a copy of
 Laura Childs newest book -
and in this book one
 of the projects that Carmela creates in her charming French Quarter scrapbook store
 is a Shadow Box!
Gilt Trip
It's time once again to join Carmela, Ava and the whole Memory Mine crew on another exciting journey as Carmela helps a friend in need solve a murder...or two...or more!
Yes, despite pleas from her sweetie Carmela's natural investigative instincts kick in and she finds herself right in the middle of the mayhem.
I don't want to give too much away but you'll have a hard time putting this book down from the get go.  It won't matter if you're new to the Scrapbook Mystery series or if you feel like you're meeting old friends you're going to love this new chapter in the life of a scrapbook store and it's owner right in the heart of the French Quarter in New Orleans.
I am tickled to say that I am lucky to give away not one but TWO signed copies of this book!
To be entered to win all you have to do is post a comment telling me your favorite "project" beyond cards or scrapbook lay-outs.  It might be a shadow box like today's project or maybe it's an altered tin; a canvas; Gothic Arch; ATC or ????
You have until October 15th to post your answer
(or e-mail it to me) to be entered in the drawing!
At that time I'll draw the two lucky winners using Random.org.
Good Luck Everyone
Happy Haunting!!

31 Days of Halloween - Day 2 - King of Halloween + Extra Special Laura Childs Give-A-Way!!! 31 Days of Halloween - Day 2 - King of Halloween + Extra Special Laura Childs Give-A-Way!!! Reviewed by Doctor Smile on October 01, 2013 Rating: 5

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