A bit of Elfin Fun! Geodesic Ornament

The November Challenge at Altered Pages blog is

I thought I'd share my creation with you today.
It's a fun ornament for Christmas.
I'm not sure what it's official name is but to me it reminds me of a honeycomb.

You'll need 20 circles of the same size.  I cut out 10 Elf/Gnome collage images and 10 circles cut from Glitz Hello December Paper Collection.

Next you'll need to draw a basic triangle in the center of each circle...
this step isn't necessary but it does help to make your folds more precise.

Now flip the circle over and fold the three petals towards the center of the image side of the paper.  You'll end up with pieces that look like this.... 

Now take 5 folded circles and glue the neighboring petals together.
I used Aleene's Fast Grab Tacky Glue for this step just because it grabs fast and dries quickly.

You need to make two of these sets of 5.

Next, take the remaining 10 folded circles and glue them in a straight line as shown at the bottom of this photo.... 

You'll need to add a hanger at this point so tie a knot in a length of cord (I'm using a gold stretch cord) and thread it through one of the end pieces.  You'll see from the photo that there is a nice neat little hole where the 5 circles meet.  Thread the cord through there ~ your knot should hold the cord but if you'd like you can add a dab of glue to be sure.

Now you've got two rounded ends and a long strip of folded circles.
Time to assemble the ornament.

Start by gluing the long strip to the top of the ornament.  I tried to line up the circles so it was an image next to pattern paper circles...of course you can align them any way you like.

Here's what the ornament looks like so far...

Now glue the bottom to the remaining petals and you're honeycomb ball is complete!

You could use it like it is or you could go one step further and bling it up a bit...
I placed a small amount of glue on each seam then dipped it into glitter.
This just gives the ball a nice finished look
you can never have too much glitter ;)

And here's how my Elfin ornament turned out...

Now it's your turn to join in the fun!
Do you have a fun elf project in mind?
We'll now's the time to make it...
then enter it in the challenge and you might be the next lucky winner!

Good Luck Everyone!

A bit of Elfin Fun! Geodesic Ornament A bit of Elfin Fun!  Geodesic Ornament Reviewed by Doctor Smile on November 04, 2013 Rating: 5

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