Faux Enamel Washer Charm

Faux Enamel Washer Charm

Today I wanted to share a fun charm with you that I made for the Altered Charm Swap last month.
It is sooooo much fun ~
especially if you're a fingernail polish addict like I am ;)

To start off you need the following:

Washers (wider fender washers work best)
Fingernail Polish - 2 or more colors

Begin by painting a rather thick layer of your base color over the front side of the washer. 

Immediately (before it begins to dry) add 3-4 drops of a second color around the circle. 

Use the toothpick to swirl the  two colors together. 
You're not trying to mix them, just get some nice swirls.   This part may take a bit of practice...  If you make a mistake, no worries ~ simply wipe the nail polish off before it dries.  If it's started drying just use a dab of nail polish remover to take it off.

After you are happy with your swirls, set them aside to dry.  Mine dried differently ~ I think it all depends on the polish you're using.  I gave them 24 hours to dry/cure before I tried messing with them. (after I tried too early on a couple - lol).

Once dry I used an eye pin to wrap around the center and then added a few beads & crystals.

No additional sealers or mediums are needed. 
Once dry & cured the fingernail polish is pretty tough...just like real enamel ware.

It's so much fun mixing and matching colors.
I hope you give it a try!

Faux Enamel Washer Charm Faux Enamel Washer Charm Reviewed by Doctor Smile on November 05, 2013 Rating: 5

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