Washi Tape Christmas Cards

I mentioned that I've been making holiday cards for the craft bazaar.
I decided that now would be a good time to start using up some of the left overs.... 
I'm sure you know what I'm talking about, the left over chipboard pieces from Christmas scrapbook kits; the last two stickers on the sheet of holiday images you bought two years ago; the extra embellishment tags you bought on clearance three years ago...  The list goes on and on.  
I have a whole box full of Christmas/winter themed left over goodies that I've been "collecting" since I started scrapbooking since 1998 (you know you can't throw it away...it might come in handy some day).    
Well, today is the day!  So, the first batch of cards I made I challenged myself to incorporate washi tape paired with some of these left-overs. 
Here are some of the cards I made...
NOTE: Red and Green cards seem to sell the best so that's the main colors I used.  Each card has at least one type of washi tape, some 2-3.  All of the other embellishments are the left-overs I was talking about.  Some are one of a kind from years and years ago, others are things I bought last year after Christmas but everything is things I already had...I didn't buy one additional goodie to make any of them :)

These cloth holiday tags are from the early 00's.

I did make a few cards using non-traditional colors just because I was getting tired of the red and green - LOL!!

So now I challenge YOU to make some cards using up some of your left overs ~ the washi tape can be an extra challenge but only if you already have it in your stash.

Are you up to it?
If you do, please be sure to share your left-over success with us all!
We'd love to be inspired.
Washi Tape Christmas Cards Washi Tape Christmas Cards Reviewed by Doctor Smile on November 11, 2013 Rating: 5

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