Acrylic Stamping Block - Cleaning Tip

I don't know about you but sometimes my stamping blocks get really inked up.
This one isn't too bad but sometimes it gets so I can't even see to line up my stamps.
Well, by accident I discovered something that works great to clean them up.  It even cleans up ATG adhesive off of the blocks!  What is it?

Ranger's Inkssentials Solvent Based Stamp Cleaner

Now normally I rub and rub and rub to get the adhesive off my blocks (I use it to stamp with plain rubber dies) and it normally comes off after lots of rubbing.  Well, after cleaning one block this a.m. I decided to try to find something else to take it off.  I scrounged around in my storage boxes and came upon the solvent based cleaner.  I slathered it on and waited about 30 seconds.
The adhesive started to dissolve and I moved it around till most of it was in a ball which I just picked off and threw away.  I applied a bit more cleaner and wiped it off with a dry cloth.  It's worked like a charm!

Here is the after picture....
good as new!

So there you go...
if you're a messy inker like I am this is a great trick for getting your stamps sparkling clean.
Now I don't have any other solvent based cleaner but I'm betting they would work just as well as the Inkssentials.  If I get a chance to buy a different brand I'll give it a test run and let you know how it turns out.

Acrylic Stamping Block - Cleaning Tip Acrylic Stamping Block - Cleaning Tip Reviewed by Doctor Smile on December 12, 2013 Rating: 5

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