Starting Bonnie Hunter's 2013 Mystery

It's that time of year again!!  Bonnie Hunter has designed a new mystery quilt called Celtic Solstice and she is giving the instructions and lessons away FREE to whoever wants to participate!!

Clue #1 was just released this past Friday.  I've been taking my time and enjoying the ride.  I'm not planning to race anyone but I am REALLY hoping that I'm able to keep up with each week's clue along with all the other projects I'm working on and needing to finish (some before Christmas). :)

As of last night...all the pieces for the first clue have been cut out and almost half have been sewn into the needed blocks.

Remaining parts ready to sew....

I do not intend to purchase any new fabric whatsoever to make this King size quilt.  I'm excited to be using a special stash of fabric scraps.  My dear hubby went to an estate auction this past spring and came home with a big surprise for me....boxes (shoe boxes, plastic storage containers, big cardboard boxes, etc., etc.,) of quality quilting fabrics.  The previous owner was obviously a quilter and had lovingly separated the scraps by color families, all sizes from 1" strips, squares, odd shaped scraps, fat quarters, some yardage pieces, some old, some new. I'm sure she had a small fortune invested in this treasure trove of fabrics. I'm almost embarrassed to admit that my hubby didn't spend much at all that day but I feel like I won the fabric lottery! :) :)

Since I'm planning to use the same colors as those suggested by Bonnie Hunter....based on Clue #1's colors and instructions, I pulled out the boxes of blues and the container of oranges.  Unlike many other quilters who are participating, I didn't gather up the fabrics before the first clue was released.  In fact, I plan to pull fabric from the stash AS it's needed. Personally, I think it's more fun to do this way. :) :)

I'm having so much fun pulling out the "new to me" fabric scraps and cutting them up to use in this quilt.  I told my hubby yesterday that I was having a blast playing with his auction finds.  He had a big smile on his face....I think he is proud of himself for this find. :)

Do you want to participate in the mystery?  Just click on this link below:

Once you click on the will find information and additional links to take you to the introduction and fabric requirements post....and to Clue 1.  By the way, Bonnie Hunter provides detailed, easy to understand instructions, plus video helps which show us how to use certain rulers.  She has provided instructions to make your choice of two different sizes of this mystery quilt.  She even provides multiple ways to do it....your choice of using rulers, or paper-piecing, or templates, and more!  She covers EVERYTHING!!!!!

You will be able to download and save/print all the clues as they are released until the mystery ends.  At that time, the free instructions will disappear from the website and will be included in her next book.

Would you like to see the progress of other quilters who are participating?  Just go to the following link:

Ta Ta for now....I'm headed back to my sewing room. :)

Starting Bonnie Hunter's 2013 Mystery Starting Bonnie Hunter's 2013 Mystery Reviewed by Doctor Smile on December 02, 2013 Rating: 5

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