Design Challenge - Block Two - Quilt Neighbors

I'm so excited to share the second block for my Design Challenge quilt!!!

One thing that my hometown in Tennessee and my current home in rural, Upstate New York have in common...TREES!!!!!  Every neighborhood must have trees!!!!

I researched and found numerous TREE quilt block patterns, but it seemed that everything I was finding was set "on-point" (which wouldn't work this time).  I did find paper-pieced blocks (too time-consuming), and of course there are unlimited applique ideas (too much work for me).

I finally found one pattern that had promise...but wasn't quite perfect.  So with some tweeking here and is the winner!

The block as you see it measures 6 1/2" x 12 1/2" unfinished.

Placed next to a house block.....instructions for House block can be found HERE.

Do you want to give it a try?

***In order for all the cuts, angles, etc., to be correct, we will be cutting enough pieces to construct two separate tree quilt blocks at one time.  Trust me, if you try to cut one block worth at a just won't work!! :)

1)  Using a neutral fabric, cut TWO rectangles measuring 4 1/4" x 10 7/8".

     Using two different green fabrics, cut TWO rectangles measuring 3 3/4" x 10 7/8".

2)  Place both green rectangles RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER.   Rotary cut from one upper corner to opposite bottom corner.

Do the same thing with the two neutral rectangles, make sure to place them RIGHT SIDES TOGETHER.

You should be able to lay out your pieces like this.....

3)  From the same neutral fabric, you will need to cut 4 rectangles measuring 3" x 3 1/2" (enough for two completed tree blocks).

4)  From a brown fabric (tree trunk), cut 2 rectangles measuring 1 1/2" x 3 1/2"  (enough for two completed tree blocks).

Now we are ready to sew.... for each block, place both green tree pieces right sides together and sew center seam.

I usually press to one side, but this time I chose to press the seam open, then trim off the dog-ears at the top.

Place the right neutral "triangle" right sides together with the "tree"....matching up with the top corner....

You will notice that the bottom of the neutral triangle extends past the green tree...that's what it should do. :)

Sew this seam....

I pressed this seam towards the outside, neutral triangle.

Notice the little, pointy tip?  Don't cut it off.  This will guide you in placing the left neutral triangle.

Place left neutral triangle, right sides together, matching top corner as shown..

I found it easier to pin and "flip over"....sewing from the top of the tree to the bottom....

Press to the neutral fabric...

This section will be too large at this point, and we will need to trim it down to a 6 1/2" x 9 1/2" rectangle segment...

In order to keep out "points" nice and sharp when all the block are attached later on, notice that we need to place our ruler's 1/4" line on the very tip of the "tree" as our guide....   DON'T CUT YET.......

Also notice that I am using the center seam as a guide to place my ruler before trimming.  Place the 3 1/4" line of the ruler on the center seam.  If you happen to own a 6 1/2" x 12 1/2" ruler, you will find that it is a tremendous help in trimming the block perfectly.  :) :)

Once everything is lined up, trim right, top and left sides....

Final trim is to measure 9 1/2" from top of block and trim off bottom excess...


The most difficult part is over....the rest is a cake walk!! :) :)

Using the two neutral 3" x 3 1/2" rectangles and one brown 1 1/2" x 3 1/2" rectangle, simply sew a neutral rectangle to each side of the brown (tree trunk) rectangle.

Once sewn, the section should measure 6 1/2" x 3 1/2"

One last bottom section to top section....

Completed block should measure 6 1/2" x 12 1/2" at this point.

I've decided that I need a total of 8 Tree blocks to go with the 12 House blocks already finished.  Guess it's time to get busy again!!! :) :)

I'll be sharing my progress with you.  It's hard to believe that we'll soon be ready for sashing and borders. Can you sense my excitement??? :)

Stay warm and keep sewing!

Design Challenge - Block Two - Quilt Neighbors Design Challenge - Block Two - Quilt Neighbors Reviewed by Doctor Smile on January 24, 2014 Rating: 5

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