Design Challenge - Row Assembly

As you can see, I was able to finish making the eight Tree blocks needed for my quilt guild's Design Challenge project.  Sewing the blocks into rows went together with no problems thankfully.

My only hint would be to always sew with the Tree block on top so that you can see the lower "corners" of the tree and ensure you don't chop the corners off with your seam (even if you have to fudge a little bit to do it!) :) :)

I'm currently searching through my stash of fabrics to choose one to use as horizontal sashing strips in between the rows and top/bottom.  Once I find something, I will share the next step in constructing the quilt top.  I've got a cute border idea to finish up the quilt.

On a totally different topic....I've received a few more sets of birthday blocks in the mail from online quilting friends.

From Michelle in Texas...

From Hollie in Texas...  (**Hollie had already sent a set of blocks but she wasn't happy with them.                                                     She surprised me by mailing another completely different set.  I love them all! :)

From Teresa in Missouri...

If you missed my post showing all the other blocks I received for my 50th Birthday in December, you can find it HERE.

I think there are only two more sets left to arrive before I can start constructing my Birthday Quilt top.

We've had more snow (with more to come) and the temperatures are frigid.  It's very windy which makes it feel even colder.  My crystal ball tells me that I'll be spending a lot of time in my sewing room...which hopefully means I'll get tons of stuff accomplished.

Until next time...stay warm...and keep quilting!
Design Challenge - Row Assembly Design Challenge - Row Assembly Reviewed by Doctor Smile on January 27, 2014 Rating: 5

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