EQ7 August Newsletter Spotlights My Design

I'm really excited and honored to share with you that I was contacted by EQ7 (Electric Quilt 7) a few weeks ago and was asked if they could spotlight my "Quilt Neighbors" that I designed using their software in their August 2014 newsletter.

Needless to say, I agreed and it is indeed included and allows anyone with the EQ7 computer software to download a copy of my personal design file which includes complete directions, etc.

Click HERE to go directly to the EQ7 August 2014 Newsletter.

I took a screenshot photo of part of their newsletter.  If you look closely, bottom - center, you will see a photo of my quilt design.

Keep sewing and quilting!  You never know when your work will be recognized by others!  It's a good feeling when it happens. :)
EQ7 August Newsletter Spotlights My Design EQ7 August Newsletter Spotlights My Design Reviewed by Doctor Smile on August 10, 2014 Rating: 5

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