Creating a "While You Were Out" bulletin board

Do you have one of these bulletin boards in your classroom? Last year was my first year putting a "While You Were Out" board in my room, and let me tell you... life changing!! I am the WORST at keeping track of the kids that are absent each day and reminding them to make up the work they missed. But, having this in the room takes the responsibility from me and gives it right to my students.

I spend about 15 minutes on the first day of school talking to the kids about responsibility and how this board works. I also make sure to showcase this board to my parents on Back to School night.

Want to make one for your classroom? The title letters and days of the week can be found for free right here. I just used some plain file folders that I covered in contact paper, some black butcher paper, cheap border, and tissue paper pom poms (which you can buy or make yourself if you're feeling crafty!).

I'm telling you, you NEED this bulletin board in your classroom!! Seriously, life changing. Seriously. Not even kidding.

Happy back to school!!
Creating a "While You Were Out" bulletin board Creating a "While You Were Out" bulletin board Reviewed by Doctor Smile on September 01, 2014 Rating: 5

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