Mesmerize and Mill Works BOM

With the temperatures dropping outside it makes me to want to spend even more time in my little sewing room.  It was exciting to put together a new quilt top using a new pattern called Mesmerize, designed by Natalia Bonner.

Blocks on my design wall....

Don't let the sun shining on the quilt through my window deceive is chilly outside!  After taking this photo, I was able to sew all the blocks together so now my quilt top is complete.  Next step is to decide on a backing and load it on the longarm for quilting.  I'll keep you posted with that process.

In my previous blog post, I shared the Mill Works Block of the Month that will be available starting in October at Quilter's Haven Quilt Shop in Owego, NY.  Don't forget, if you are interested in participating, just give the shop a call (607-687-1511) and they will be able to mail it to you or you can stop in for the monthly demo on the first Saturday of each month beginning Oct. 4th.

The blocks are turning out so beautiful!  Would you like to see the ones I've made so far?

Month 1 - October  will have you making a total of 4 blocks.

You will make two of the Merrimack Basket blocks......

You will also make two of the Concord Basket blocks....

Month 2 - November - you will make two of the Pawtucket Basket Blocks....

Month 3 - December - you will make two of the Lowell Basket Blocks....

Month 4 - January - you will make a total of four Harriet Robinson Blocks....

Month 5 - February - you will make a total of four Loom and Spindle Blocks....

Month 6 - March - you will make a total of four Appleton Millworks Blocks.....

This means I have a total of 20 completed blocks at this time.  There are still two months to go and I will share those with you as soon as I have them made! :) :)

Just for fun, I placed one block of each of the designs together on the pretty!!!!!

If you love working with reproduction fabrics, I KNOW you want to make this one!

This girl can't wait to get back into her sewing room....but there is some "can't wait till later" housecleaning that needs to be done before that happens.

Until next time....
Mesmerize and Mill Works BOM Mesmerize and Mill Works BOM Reviewed by Doctor Smile on September 15, 2014 Rating: 5

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