"SPIT" out a great answer every time!

How do your students do with answering open-ended questions in ELA? This is, without a doubt, one of the most difficult things I have to teach kids! Every year, my colleagues and I struggle with getting kids to master this skill.

This year, I came up with a new idea... SPIT! My hope is that this will give a little guidance and structure when it comes to answering open-ended questions.

We just glued the anchor chart (available here) into our ISNs today and talked a little about how we will use it this year. The kids LOVED the picture and the "spit" motif!  Hopefully is will help make their open-ended answers better!

How do you teach your kids to answer open-ended questions?

Have a great weekend :)

Happy teaching!
"SPIT" out a great answer every time! "SPIT" out a great answer every time! Reviewed by Doctor Smile on September 19, 2014 Rating: 5

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