I'm A Scrap Quilt Challenge Winner

Surprise, surprise....SCRAP QUILT CHALLENGE Winners were recently announced online - 107 quilts entered, 22 lovely prizes and I happen to be one of the 22 winners!  YIPPEE!

Many thanks to Shannon of Fabrics N Quilts for organizing and hosting this online scrap quilt contest.  I was blessed to win a quilt pattern designed by Michele Foster of Mishka's Playground called Aiming for Accuracy.  Ironically, I'm already a fan of this designer and already own this particular pattern.....which is wonderful by the way.  I offered to give up my prize to allow Shannon the opportunity to award it to someone else but instead she contacted the designer and I was offered the choice of ANY of her patterns.  I wasn't expecting that at all and am thrilled to get another pattern.  Now I just need my home computer fixed or replaced so I can download the prize pattern. (Life is never simple in this home!) :)

In the meantime, we have from now until October 2015 to complete more scrap quilts to enter in next year's contest.  I'm busy working on Bonnie Hunter's scrap quilt pattern called Celtic Solstice.  I'm ALMOST finished with step 4.  The first 3 steps have been finished for a few months but I was waiting on my second wind to continue.  This past weekend was the time to get back to that project.

I needed to pull out green scraps......

And orange scraps....would you believe one of these orange scraps is from 1997? Haha

Now I need them cut into strips.....

Out of respect for the designer, I can't give sizes, amounts, etc since the directions will be included in her next book and are no longer available for free on her website.

Then my strips in the two colors need to be sewn into more strips....


Subcut into 2-patch units.  I'm lazy so I thought I'd experiment by laying my sewn strips crossways on my Accuquilt die.....

Do I dare try it?  Why not....live dangerously....hold my breath....

Whoop Whoop!  It works....

And very little waste at all....

Let's just say hundreds of these are needed to then sew into 4-patches....

Can you guess what I plan to do today....yep, 4-patches....

This is just a drop in the bucket of the amount needed so I foresee a long day ahead. :)

Until next time....
I'm A Scrap Quilt Challenge Winner I'm A Scrap Quilt Challenge Winner Reviewed by Doctor Smile on November 03, 2014 Rating: 5

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