Are you up for a challenge?

A Technique challenge that is!  As you know last month was the inaugural month for Club Scrap new Artist Team.  Well, we were all having so much fun that I suggested we host a technique challenge each month on the Club Scrap blog (cause you all know how much I love techniques AND challenges!).  Well it was posted today and here's a peek at my cards....

It's a trio or techniques from a video that Tricia shared back in 2012 featuring 3 different "faux" watercolor techniques (link to the video is on the Club Scrap post above).  To enter the challenge you can try your hand at one or more of these fun techniques.  They are as follows:

Technique #1 - Inking the stamp with an ink pad and spritzing with water (Hydrangea & Lace card)

Technique #2 - Coloring stamp with Gelatos, misting then stamp (Love card)

Technique #3 - Coloring the image with markers, huff to moisten the ink & stamp. (Art card)

If you decide to take up the challenge be sure to go over to the Club Scrap blog and post a link to your creation!

Supplies Used: 

Club Scrap - Stamps & Papers - Kits Fire & Ice (top), Wisteria (left), Hydrangea (right)
Are you up for a challenge? Are you up for a challenge? Reviewed by Doctor Smile on March 11, 2015 Rating: 5

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