Inspire Your Heart with Art Give-A-Way

Not sure if you were aware that January 31st was Inspire Your Heart with Art Day.  I tried to find out a little bit more about this celebration of the arts but from what I could find nobody really knows when it started or by whom...  What I do know is that it is a day to celebrate art - be it in the form of visiting a museum, concert, or something more hands on like taking an art class or making something of your own.  

I participated in that by sharing this canvas I made... Create Art

In February, I was inspired by Patience Brewster, an artist and designer of unique gifts, to reflect on "Inspire Your Heart With Art Day".

Well, I've been thinking about it ever since.  Let me back up a bit...quite a few years ago someone that I thought was an art mentor to me told me that I should never "give" art away.  I had to put a price on everything I created or I wouldn't go far.  As it turned out that person did put a price on everything and has gone on to bigger and better things.   

For me though the joy is in sharing art - both the making of and the art it's self.  That is why I share product info, techniques, tutorials and the art I create with you all.  I just can't put a price on something that comes from the heart which I suppose is why I'll never be rich and famous.

SO I have decided that periodically I am going to inspire my heart by giving away some of the Art I have created and today is the first of I hope many!

I will be giving away LOTS of art...  I have gathered the following pieces I've made over the past months and will be giving each piece away to one of my Ink Stained friends... all you have to do to enter is leave a comment telling us all what about Art inspires your Heart.  I will give you until April 11th to post a comment to be entered to win one of these goodies!

Beach Canvas Album 001

I also have an assortment of Ice Resin charms in my pile of goodies as well!

So, if you'd like your chance to win some Art to Inspire Your Heart simply leave a comment to be entered for your chance to win!  Be sure to leave a way for me to contact you.  Please be sure to share on your blogs or facebook pages as well.

Have an artful day friends!!
Inspire Your Heart with Art Give-A-Way Inspire Your Heart with Art Give-A-Way Reviewed by Doctor Smile on March 26, 2015 Rating: 5

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