First "Real" Watercolor

Good Happy Monday Morning Everyone!!!

I am so excited today!  I am going to share my first "REAL" watercolor with you.  I say real because I bought some Dr. Ph. Martin Hydrus Fine Art Watercolor Paints and I haven't really painted an actual picture from start to finish. Well, I should say I did paint one when I was a (hs) freshman but it wasn't very good. I've always wanted to watercolor but if you recall I explained about my art experience in school - not being good enough so I never perused it.   After my taste of drawing again I decided that I was going to go ahead and take the plunge!

Recently I saw this photo on Ken Oliver's FB page.  I have no idea what type of flower it is but I was so taken with it I asked him if I might be allowed to try my hand at it.  He graciously said yes so this was my first subject.  (I've been saving it until I got my paints.)

Edited to add: It is a Star Magnolia and it's a very early bloomer.  Simply stunning!

This weekend I set about drawing the flower - it's just a rough sketch but it turned out fairly close I'd say...

and here's an "in the process" photo - starting to take shape!

and finally here is my at the moment finished product!  I know it's not perfect but I am so happy with how it turned out!  I do have to admit though that I'm too chicken to try to paint a background - I'm afraid I'll screw it up!  

And here's another look at the photo...

Well, what do you think?
Honest opinions please.

First "Real" Watercolor First "Real" Watercolor Reviewed by Doctor Smile on April 20, 2015 Rating: 5

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