Masking Paper & Color Burst

More playing with the Color Burst powders.  This time I wanted to use some of my masking paper.  I get mine on a roll from JudiKins but I'm sure there are others out there. You could also use Frisket Film or low tack vinyl film.

Anyway, I die-cut a couple shapes - an oval and one of my labels just to see what I cold come up with and how well it worked.  As it turned out I had a small roll of the vinyl film so I used one from the masking paper and one from the vinyl film.  The first example is the vinyl film.  I just stuck it down on a piece of watercolor paper...

Spritzed on some water and shook a bit of the Color Burst on and let it do it's thing....

After it had dried I peeled off the vinyl and here's how it turned out!

I also used the die-cut portion of the films - this is the Eclipse masking paper.....  I shook on a bit of powder and misted with water.  You'll have to scroll down a bit to see how it turned out.

And here are the results... 

I used a bit too much water on the label started to soak beneath the vinyl die-cut shape so it created a blurry line but still very usable.  

After that I decided to dig out my bottle of masking fluid and give it a try.  These are just done on regular cardstock - not watercolor paper.  I think that's why it soaked in under the masked areas.  Just too much water.    But I like the results anyway.

So there you go...masking paper, low tack vinyl film and masking fluid.  Great tools to pair with pigment crystals/powder.

Masking Paper & Color Burst Masking Paper & Color Burst Reviewed by Doctor Smile on April 02, 2015 Rating: 5

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