Graduation Cap Money Card

Hey Everyone!  Today I have a "Mom" project (my Mom saw it on Pinterest and wanted me to make her a couple) - A Graduation Cap & Money Card rolled into one.....

This finishes at 4" x 5 1/2" - I made it a bit narrow to accommodate the bulky tassel.

You have 2 places for sentiments - under the cap is a small square and you can also write on the money pocket.  I just went with a stamped "Congratulations!" because I didn't have anything graduate related. 

Here is the template - I cut it from black cardstock.  Each of the folds work best if you crease it really crisply with a bone folder.  I cut the white inside panels 1/8" smaller than the actual card.  

I originally made this just a card but Mom wanted the pocket for money so I simply cut a strip of cardstock, scored & folded 1/2" tabs on the bottom & sides then die-cut the top for a pretty finish.

I glued it to the inside panel and waaa-laaaa - a money pocket!

Next we need to add a tassel.  The schools colors for this particular graduate are blue & white - easy peasy...just take some blue & white bakers twine, wrap it around 4 fingers, take a shorter length and wrap it around the top and tie a knot.  To make it more tassel like unravel each strand of the twine....

Affix it to the "cap"  using a brad near the center of the square.

After you have attached the tassel, use the white square panel to cover and hide the brad.

Tuck in a little cash and you're all set to go!

Graduation Cap Money Card Graduation Cap Money Card Reviewed by Doctor Smile on June 03, 2015 Rating: 5

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