Ott Light - Amazing Deal!!!

I've been busy cleaning my desk this afternoon after I got home from work today.  Why?  Because my 2 new OttLites arrived!!!  This is what they look like....

and you'll never guess what I paid for them.   


How cool is that?!?!?  These are $45.00 lights - OttLite 15w Telescoping 360 Light (70.00 - 80.00 other places).

But I wanted to share where I got them....  Cleaners Supply  (while supplies last).  I don't know how many they have in stock but I'd hurry if I were you.  You're not likely to find a deal like this again any time soon.  I've been searching for YEARS for a good deal on OttLites but never bought any because they are always too expensive.  

I found these by chance - I was buying some thread for our business and when I hit the check out button - it came up on the - "You might like these items" page before taking me to the cart.  Well I sure do like it - AMAZING!!!!

Now I had enough stuff in my cart for free shipping so I can't say how much shipping will be but at that price it'd be worth it to buy several and share with friends.  They are just too amazing!!  And I've ordered from this place several times with great results.

BTW, I'm not getting paid to put this on my's just a great deal that I wanted to share.
Ott Light - Amazing Deal!!! Ott Light - Amazing Deal!!! Reviewed by Doctor Smile on June 30, 2015 Rating: 5

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