What's Happening in my Room...

Getting back into the swing of things is really throwing me for a loop this year! I'm struggling!! I think it's because two of my own children started school this year... my son went to Kindergarten and my daughter to (full day) Pre-K. It's been a lot these past few weeks.

Anyway, I've got some pictures of the happenings in my new digs these days...

Our Interactive Student Notebooks are coming along beautifully!! Many of this year's 7th graders were with me in 6th grade, so they already know the drill with ISNs. I really think that has helped make this process go so smoothly.

We've been loading in a lot of the introductory stuff (genres, reading strategies, etc.). Next week, we will start to tackle plot and story elements!

And I am OVER THE MOON with how well writing has been going this year!! We started off with lots and lots of lists and have now moved on to Narrative Writing.

I'm using this product and am really loving how responsive the kids have been.

This is a picture of the piece that I drafted live in front of the students (I did type it, rather than hand write it in front of them because it's easier for them to see on the big screen. But you can see that I've been making all my revisions by hand!). I CANNOT emphasize enough how important it is to draft live in front of your kids. They really benefit from seeing a writer in action!

I'm really hoping that we will get into a groove over the next few weeks and then I can share some meatier posts!!

Hope you are all finding your groove :)

Happy Teaching!!
What's Happening in my Room... What's Happening in my Room... Reviewed by Doctor Smile on September 17, 2015 Rating: 5

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