Writing from Lists

Hey everyone! If you are a teacher in NJ, happy NJEA Teacher's Convention weekend! Hopefully Thursday and Friday recharged your teaching batteries and brought you some much needed inspiration to bring back to your classrooms on Monday!

I've been doing quite a bit of planning over the past few days, and I'm excited about this new list writing activity that I've been working on. If you've followed this blog for a while now, you know that list writing is my most favorite way to get my students' creative juices flowing and brainstorm some great writing topics!

This new list writing activity that I've got, "Give Thanks," is going to be just perfect for getting students into the Thanksgiving-spirit!

Last week, we moved from narrative writing to compare and contrast (from the "writing to inform/explain" genre). My thinking is that when we start this "Give Thanks" unit next week, I'll give students the choice to write either a narrative or a piece that informs/explains. I love when I am able to give them that option! Some students are just natural narrative writers, while others love to write informative pieces. It's great when they can pick the genre that best suites them and their style.

So, any fun Thanksgiving-inspired lessons making their way into your classroom? I'd love to hear about them!

Happy Teaching!!
Writing from Lists Writing from Lists Reviewed by Doctor Smile on November 07, 2015 Rating: 5

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