Cleaning Chaos and Valentine Fun

Man, oh man have I been a busy little bee!  As you can see below, I was able to get the Giraffe Baby quilt top pieced together that I first shared with you in a previous post.  I'm working on the instructions and will post them for you very soon! 

Along with sewing, etc., I've been spending a portion of each day trying to clean out, get rid of (through donations to a local ministry) and rearrange my house.  With my not so cooperative hip and back, progress is SLOW at best....but I keep plugging away.  Let's face one else is going to do it! :) :) :)

My dear hubby has finished painting one of our daughter's old bedrooms and is currently installing a new ceiling fan.  With the help of adult children, all of the old carpet was pulled up and removed from the room last week.  New flooring was purchased Saturday (to match what we are slowly but surely putting throughout the house) and Ray will begin installation of the new floor one day this week (I HOPE!)

We intend to move our master bedroom into the bedroom we are now remodeling.  It is a much smaller room but plenty big enough to put a queen size bed and basic furniture.  We plan to switch rooms and convert our larger master bedroom into a combination longarm quilting/sewing room.  For the past couple of years my Handiquilter Avante' has taken up my entire front living room and I'm hoping to turn that space BACK into a living room.  There are other plans, changing of rooms, etc., in the grand plan but let's face it.....change doesn't happen very quickly around here so I will just wait and fill you in AS something actually gets done! ha ha ha ha

While sorting through some of my stash aka "black hole of anything fabric/craft related", I came across a new set of khaki potholders.  Hummmmm.....what could I do with them to go ahead and move them out of the house?   I think I'll embroider some cute Valentine designs on them and mail them off to family members.

Here's a close up of one that I quickly embroidered to send to my younger brother to give to his "friend that's a girl" that isn't a "girlfriend" but I think SHE wouldn't mind being his "girlfriend".  It's so much fun being the big sister who enjoys sticking her nose in her baby brother's life!  Just in case you are wondering....she has a thing for honeybees.  Isn't this just perfect then?

This next one I made to send to my 5 year old grandson to give to his mother (my oldest daughter) for Valentines.  Liam LOVES penguins and this design is actually named "Penguins Wearing Valentine Pajamas!"  I kid you not!!!  If you look closely, you will see the tiny little cupid/angels in white robes, with tiny black bows and arrows that are even tinier, little lavender hearts!  Again...the perfect design!!

As I continued cleaning and sorting, I came across my stack of leftover pieces/strips of cotton batting from past quilts.  It's too expensive to toss....especially when there are smaller projects I will need it for at some time or another.  For now, I looked at the rather large stack and decided to make use of as much as I possibly can now before I have to come up with an orderly way to save such a large quantity of oddly shaped pieces.

Why not use some of it to make more fabric books?  The book below is one of my more recent purchases.....

This book panel has been around in my stash for a year or so....time to get it made!

This book panel I've had for at least five years!  It is so adorable, I'm now wishing I had purchased more when I had the chance!!

I came to a couple of wider, left over pieces of batting so I decided to piece them together to make batting large enough to quilt some smaller quilt tops I have laying around and need to finish.....zig zag stitching my way to a huge financial savings! 

I was able to piece together enough larger chunks of batting to quilt a couple of baby quilts.  Does this picture ring any bells?  I'll show you the finished project soon!

I'm feeling pretty good about cleaning/sorting my house and still yet finishing up some needed projects.

What have YOU been up to this past week or so?
Cleaning Chaos and Valentine Fun Cleaning Chaos and Valentine Fun Reviewed by Doctor Smile on February 08, 2016 Rating: 5

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