Steady Progress on Intersection T Block

As always, I'm working on two projects at once.  The main project is the first of three (I hope),  Halloween themed quilts. In my last post the pieces were all cut from the layer cake (10" squares) and the solid color jelly roll (2 1/2" WOF strips) to start the Intersection T Quilt design by Missouri Star Quilt Company.

To begin I  sewed 42 strips of solid to 42 larger rectangle cuts from the layer cake collection.  Gotta love chain piecing.

All 42 sewn sections pooled together on the floor.....

Press the seams towards the solid strip......

Next, sew these 42 sections to a smaller sized rectangle from the layer cake collection.

Another pool from chain piecing has formed on the floor....

Once again, press seam toward the solid strip......

At this point my hips were telling me I had sewed long enough for the day.  Time to stand up and do something else.

Remember the Scrappy Trips quilt that was finished with the long arm quilting part?

All trimmed, squared, and draped over the long arm....

This thing is huge and requires approximately 400" of binding.  I looked for fabric to make the binding but wasn't thrilled with anything I was finding in my stash.  Then I thought about doing a scrappy binding.  Why not?  I pulled  10 different 2 1/2" x WOF strips from my box....

Sat back down at the sewing machine just long enough to sew all these strips together end to end.  Then took that mile long continuous strip to the ironing board and pressed it double....

I'm really loving this scrappy binding. :)  Now I will need to sew the binding to the quilt to finish it....but that won't happen for a few days at least!

On a side note, I've been crocheting some during the nights I hurt too bad to lay in bed and sleep.

I've been making 100% cotton dish cloths recently to use as future gifts.  I gave two as a birthday gift just last week.  My daughter Amanda (who is claiming this Scrappy Trips quilt) spotted one of the dish cloths recently made and realized it matches the quilt backing perfectly.  Plus, the yellow will look nice with her butter yellow bedroom walls.  Guess who claimed the dish cloth?  She plans to use it as a doily on her bedside table once the quilt is on her bed. Haha

Well, now you know what I've been up to recently?  What's keeping you busy?  I'd love to know!!!
Steady Progress on Intersection T Block Steady Progress on Intersection T Block Reviewed by Doctor Smile on August 11, 2016 Rating: 5

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