Praise Then Panic

I titled this post "Praise Then Panic".  Let me explain the praise part first since it will only take a second to do so.  As I was scrolling through my Facebook page, looking at pictures more than reading, I spotted a quilt that looked like mine. :) :)  Lo and behold, it WAS mine!  Accuquilt had spotlighted my Scrappy Trips quilt on their FB page.  They provided a link for anyone interested in getting further information about the quilt.  To see my quilt on Accuquilt, click HERE.

The photo below is just a screenshot of what I saw on my own FB page. 
I must admit, it made my day to receive this praise and recognition from the Accuquilt company for my Scrappy Trips quilt.

Now for the PANIC part of this post.  I've just been puttering along, happy and content to work on projects feeling no rush or push to finish by a certain deadline.  I have one Halloween quilt top complete and was getting ready to cut pieces for the second one.  I've also been able to work on other little odd projects in between and having fun!

Then PANIC hit BIG TIME!!!  I'm not sure what even made me think of it (although I'm very glad I did)!  I attended a wedding almost one year ago.  I provided a stack of 4 1/2" squares of fabric at a reception table for those attending to write their best wishes, or words of wisdom on, intending to put them together in a quilt for the couple afterwards.

I remember coming home after the wedding, putting the fabric squares away....and then completely forgetting about them....UNTIL THIS WEEK!    On September 19th, the couple will celebrate their 1st Anniversary and I need to get something made by then if at all possible!!!!!!

There has been so much remodeling, sewing room upheaval, etc., I was afraid I wouldn't find anything especially since my fabric stash and everything else is currently scattered between 3 different rooms in my house!!!! After about an hour of searching I found the box with the 4 1/2" squares.  I'm thinking that I cut approximately 150 to take to the wedding but there were only 23 or 24 squares actually written on by guests.

I also have more yardage that the squares were cut from, just in case it's needed......

I continued digging through my fabrics and brought out these cranberry, beige, green and brown.
I realize that most normal quilters probably design their next project, or buy a pattern and then purchase the correct amounts of fabric needed or pull from their stash.

I've never been normal!  I tend to measure my fabric to determine how much I have, THEN I design a quilt around what's on hand. The cranberry piece was the smallest at 7/8 of a yard.  The other pieces were not much bigger.

Next comes playing around using my EQ7 design software.  I quickly chose a simple block that has a 4 1/2" center square (perfect for the signatures squares).  Then started playing with color placement that would work with the amounts of fabric I had pulled.  This is what I came up with....
Because I'm in a hurry, I also made sure to choose a block design that could be cut out with dies that I own. 

This particular design only requires a 4 1/2" unfinished square die...Accuquilt Die #55060
And a quarter square 4" finished triangle ...Accuquilt Die #55316

I've never used the quarter square triangle die so when I opened it to take a look, it was clear that my die is an older version.  The newer ones use different colors of foam so you can clearly see the blades and where to lay your fabric when preparing to cut.

That problem can be fixed quickly, simply by using a white or silver marker and outlining the blade shapes.  Now I'll know that as long as this white outline is covered by my fabric, my cuts will be accurate and I won't have any oops, or partially cutout shapes.

Just getting to this point has taken the bulk of my day, so I'll start the actually cutting after a good nights rest.  Check back with me to follow my progress.  Can I do it?  Only time will tell.  The upside of this is an unplanned, newly designed lap quilt that I'll be able to share.

Am I the only one that get's myself into these jams????

Until next time!  Keep sewing!

Praise Then Panic Praise Then Panic Reviewed by Doctor Smile on September 08, 2016 Rating: 5

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