Teach This Lesson Tomorrow - Dear Dear

Oh my, everyone! Isn't time just flying?!? I feel like all year long, I'm excited for December to arrive. But, once it's here, I'm all, "Hold on!!!! I'm not READY!!!!" Anyone else?

Well, with all the holiday hoopla surrounding me these days and a classroom full of overly-hyper kids, I'm looking for some fun-yet-rigorous-yet-a-cinch-to-plan lessons. I figured you are, too, so I'm a bringing you another installment of "Teach This Lesson Tomorrow."

This lesson is amazing on so many levels. First, it uses an adorable picture book (I've mentioned before my passion for using picture books with big kids!). Second, the kids have a ball with it. And finally, it gives your students practice with a skill they all need work on: homophones!

I began the lesson with this:

Then, I read this book aloud to my students and we discussed homophones and their definitions (each of two or more words having the same pronunciation but different meanings, origins, or spelling, e.g., new and knew.). 

Then, I told them they need to write a short story (no more than a page) that uses 10 sets of homophones. I modeled one for them. (I always draft models "live" in front of my students so they can see a writer in action, hence all the cross-outs!)

Next, I gave them a sheet of common homophones and they got to work!

Once they were finished, we shared.

There you have it!! Easy-peasy lemon squeezy, engaging and fun, and addresses a skill that kids always need to practice.

Got any quick and easy "teach this lesson tomorrow" ideas to share? I'd love to hear from you!

Happy Teaching!!
Teach This Lesson Tomorrow - Dear Dear Teach This Lesson Tomorrow - Dear Dear Reviewed by Doctor Smile on December 11, 2016 Rating: 5

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