This will be a short post just to keep you up on my progress with the quilting of the wedding signature quilt.
The pantograph design I chose to use is called P.S. I Love You, designed by Patricia Ritter of Urban Elementz. It is available both in a paper version and a digital version.
As for the thread, I chose to use a SO FINE 40wt thread in a variegated green. I purchase my quilting threads from Superior Threads. The color is a little brave for me but I wanted the quilting to truly show up in the many open neutral, I don't have tons of color choices in my longarm thread collection. Simply put, I'm using what I have since I'm on my self-imposed spending freeze.
Oh boy...I love the feeling you get when you see that the end is near!!!
Another angle....
Just had to share a couple of pictures that were texted to me of Ava Jean. The message I received with this first picture was that Ava's favorite afghan is the one I crocheted for her.
Her first blanket fort....
Keep quilting! Until next time....
The pantograph design I chose to use is called P.S. I Love You, designed by Patricia Ritter of Urban Elementz. It is available both in a paper version and a digital version.
As for the thread, I chose to use a SO FINE 40wt thread in a variegated green. I purchase my quilting threads from Superior Threads. The color is a little brave for me but I wanted the quilting to truly show up in the many open neutral, I don't have tons of color choices in my longarm thread collection. Simply put, I'm using what I have since I'm on my self-imposed spending freeze.
Oh boy...I love the feeling you get when you see that the end is near!!!
Another angle....
Just had to share a couple of pictures that were texted to me of Ava Jean. The message I received with this first picture was that Ava's favorite afghan is the one I crocheted for her.
Her first blanket fort....
Keep quilting! Until next time....
Quilting Progress in Small Steps
Reviewed by Doctor Smile
February 13, 2017
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