Progress and Catch Up

There's finally some progress on my En Provence mystery quilt....1/4th to be exact.  Did any of you participate in Bonnie Hunter's most  recent, free online mystery quilt?  Most participants are probably already completely done with theirs but not me!!!!  I'm assembling mine in quarters which just makes it easier for me to handle.  Here is my first quarter in all of its glory!  Wild?  Yes...and I'm loving it.

On to the next you remember that wedding signature gift quilt I've been trying to complete for what feels like a lifetime?  Well, I finally cut and attached the borders, quilted it and applied the binding.  It's finished, been gifted and is no longer in my house!  Yippee!!!!


Couldn't be happier with the backing fabric found in my stash!

Next project.  This cutie had outgrown all the crocheted hats I'd previously made for her.  The beanie pattern I've made so many of this past winter is really adorable so I just made it a size the Toddler size.  Well, it fits but is snug so I'll have to make a bigger one.

I'm having a blast making baby bibs for Ava.  She is teething so drool happens....non stop!!!!!

Another one was made a couple weeks before St. Patrick's Day.

This is Ava wearing her bib while our youngest daughter was home from college on spring break.

Oh, how I love this daughter of mine!!!!!!

Next project!  I made yet another beanie in hot pink using the older child's size pattern.  It's a smidgen too loose but she is happy and maybe it will get her through the cold here in N.Y. (that doesn't seem to want to leave) until next winter.

One of my twin daughters loved the clover embroidery on the bib made for Ava and requested I make her a special shirt to wear to the gym for St. Patrick's.

Of course I HAD to get a picture of Amanda and Ava together with their matching clovers!

I should probably take a moment to brag on Amanda who is training to compete in women's body building.  Her goal is to be ready to compete next year for the first time.

This post is the first part of my attempt to catch you all up on what's been keeping me busy for weeks now.  Life was so hectic during March that my blog posts fell by the wayside.

What projects have been keeping you busy?

Until next time.....
Progress and Catch Up Progress and Catch Up Reviewed by Doctor Smile on April 05, 2017 Rating: 5

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