The End of the Year is Approaching!!

Here we are, Ladies and Gentlemen!! Down to 16 days left in the school year! To say my schedule is packed would be an understatement. Of those 16 days, three of them are all-day kid events, 2.5 of them will be professional days for me, and one is the last of school/yearbook signing. 


I'm exhausted just thinking about it! Oh, and I am also moving classrooms, so add to that: PACKING!!

Anyway, my posts will likely be few and far between for the rest of May and June. But, I'll be back in full-swing during July and August when I'll be sharing all my lessons that I've created for our summer learning program. Everyone seemed to love the series I did last summer, so I've decided to bring it back with all new writing lesson plans that use mentor texts.

I think this summer we are going to write our autobiographies in the form of a picture book and I'm checking out the books below to use for mentors. Stay tuned for those lessons!!

If you are on Instagram, I've teamed up with some amazing secondary teachers to create of quick, easy, and free gifts for big kids. Just search #EOYGiftsforBigKids and you'll find some great stuff to make this time of year a bit easier!

Here is my contribution:

Lastly, I've got a little self-promoting to do. I've been using the project for the longest time, and in all seriousness, it is a life-saver!! For real! This project keeps my antsy, tired, almost eighth graders focused until the very last day. And that, Friends, is simply priceless!!

Grab yourself a copy of this resource today and I promise you won't be disappointed!!

Alright, Folks! If you are already finished for the year, CONGRATS! And if you are still counting down the days, HANG IN THERE! Hopefully this summer will be a time of rest and recharging so we can return in the fall fresh and ready to educate tomorrow's future!!

The End of the Year is Approaching!! The End of the Year is Approaching!! Reviewed by Doctor Smile on May 19, 2017 Rating: 5

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