Sharing the Love of Sewing

The grandchildren had a three day weekend from school due to Veteran's Day.  My 15 year old granddaughter surprised me by asking if I'd teach her to sew.  Of course I said "YES!"  She specifically was interested in learning how to make things she could gift to her family and friends for Christmas.  I debated whether to start her off "quilting" or "sewing".  Sewing won this time but I hope to introduce her to quilting soon as well.

A quick search through my stash produced a pattern for pajama pants (children and adult sizes) and a piece of juvenile flannel.  The flannel was just enough yardage to accommodate the pattern pieces to make her 7 year old brother a pair of pants.

I handed her a roll of pattern tracing paper and she traced the correct size pattern pieces needed.  Then she learned to pin the pieces on the fabric to "fit" the pieces and be frugal with the fabric.

Pinning and cutting begins...

Next she learned the basics to start sewing with my Pfaff.

She would have gladly started and continued until she was completely finished in one day but my body doesn't work that way. :) :)  We did the tracing, pinning and cutting Friday evening.

Saturday we learned to use the sewing machine and sewed up the outside and inside seams of each leg, attached the two pieces together and sewed the straddle.

Sunday afternoon we sewed the waistband and added the elastic.

Ta Da!!!!!!

I may have created a sewing monster.  She talked her mother into taking to her JoAnn Fabrics and buying another piece of flannel fabric on sale this week for 40% off to make her best friend a pair for Christmas next.  This coming Sunday JoAnn's will have a "door buster" sale and all their fleece, flannel, etc. will be 60% off.  She hopes to go buy more at that time.

Last night she traced out the correct size pattern for the next pair, pinned it, had me look to make sure it was correctly placed and pinned...then she cut it out.  Depending on the amount of homework she may come home with today, she might sew up some of the leg seams tonight.  I plan to just make sure she is on the right path but intend to let her do all she can on her own.  She really seemed to catch on rather quickly. 

I hope her excitement continues....time will tell!

Until next time!
Sharing the Love of Sewing Sharing the Love of Sewing Reviewed by Doctor Smile on November 13, 2017 Rating: 5

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