Lunch- Bristol, UK


I'm Kate, mum to Eleanor (aged 2 years). We had lunch late today because Eleanor fell asleep in the car on the way home from the supermarket but I thought you might like to see a picture of it.

We both had the same: tomato, cucumber, coleslaw, tuna mayo sandwich and some mini cheddar biscuits. We had orange juice to drink.

It's been really hot here in Bristol (UK) today, so I wanted to make something light and fresh tasting. I try to put a range of food groups on Eleanor's plate at each meal but she doesn't usually eat everything on her plate. From all the things on her lunch plate today, she ate the coleslaw and the cucumber. She also drank the orange juice. I'll probably put the rest of it back in the fridge in case she wants a snack later, before dinner.

Food-o-meter: yummy bear!
Healthy: 9/10
Mouthfuls: lots (Eleanor ate the coleslaw with her fingers, so it took a long time!)
Courses: main
Price: about £1?
Lunch- Bristol, UK Lunch- Bristol, UK Reviewed by Doctor Smile on July 26, 2012 Rating: 5

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