Saturday 29th Sept- Arriving Malawi

I didn’t sleep much on the plane. It was quite cold in Johannesburg and we met Ray and Laura from the BBC at the airport. We played cards because the flight was delayed.

It was hot in Blantyre and I lay down on the marble floor to get cool. My chinchilla has a marble slab for the same reason.

Blantyre airport is very small and they use a tractor to pull the baggage carts. It was a massey ferguson and dad was excited about it. There were lots of porters waiting to carry our bags and it was very noisy as we left the airport.
We stopped at a stall on the way to where we were staying. There was a lovely toddler on her mum’s knee. He held my hand for a second and then got shy. Lots of children my age have babies wrapped up in material slung across their backs and it looks really heavy. None of the babies cry. There are no pavements and even children walk along the road. There are people walking everywhere. I spotted 5 Mary’s Meals shelters on the way to where we are staying. It got dark very quickly and Mum made me put on insect repellent which tastes bitter if you get it in your mouth. If I roll over at night a mosquito may bite me through the net. I am going to sleep right in the middle of my bed.

Saturday 29th Sept- Arriving Malawi Saturday 29th Sept- Arriving Malawi Reviewed by Doctor Smile on October 13, 2012 Rating: 5

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