The Internet Is Certain Zac Efron's Lookalike Is in Stranger Things

Looks like the internet has found a new lookalike for Baywatch golden boy Zac Efron, and it's none other than a new Stranger Things season two character. Watch out, Zac: Billy's coming for you.

In the Netflix show, antagonist Billy — played by Australian actor and Power Rangers star Dacre Montgomery — sparked questions from viewers who couldn't get over his physical resemblance to the beloved High School Musicalcharacter of years past. Maybe it's in the piercing blue-eyed gaze, tousled brown hair and chiseled jawline that both men have. Or maybe it's in their shared comfort with casual toplessness. (Efron's look is well-known by Hollywood and audiences, while Montgomery actually said he stripped down to make his Stranger Things audition tape stand out.) Efron's got a few years on Montgomery, though; the U.S. actor is 30, while the Aussie one is only 22.
In any case, Twitter users couldn't help but wonder about the uncanny similarities.

This Dacre Montgomery dude looks so much like Zac Efron in Stranger Things😂

Dacre Montgomery and Zac Efron are brothers, they look way too much alike.
Then again, maybe there's a little something else mixed into Montgomery's look.

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why dacre montgomery look like zac efron and human shrek's love child
The Internet Is Certain Zac Efron's Lookalike Is in Stranger Things The Internet Is Certain Zac Efron's Lookalike Is in Stranger Things Reviewed by Doctor Smile on October 28, 2017 Rating: 5

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